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Hello! this is my blog, Rainforest Fun. I am Samreen, editor of this blog. In this website, all we talk about is nature and how we can protect it. I will post something every 1-3 days.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Recycled Giftbows

Hey, hey heyyyyyy R.F Kid here! And boy, I found this totally cool tutorial at ! Jessica is very passionate about the environment like me, she loves to recycle stuff! Othere highlights at her blog includes: Fabric Panel Wall Art and Recycled magazine Coasters. Please do visit her blog! I placed the "Giftbow" tutorial, so you don't have to search or something.! Thanks Jessica!

In gift wrap emergencies when you've got the present but need some wrapping, here's an idea for turning a magazine page into a bow. (There may be better ways to stick this thing together, but I used what I had on hand: staples and adhesive glue dots. Double stick tape should work, too.)

Cut a magazine page lengthwise into 9 strips, 3/4" wide. Leave 3 of the strips full length. Cut one inch off 3 of the strips. Cut two inches off 2 of the strips. Cut the last strip down to 3 1/2" long.

Twist each strip to form a loop at both ends and staple it in the center. Shape the last, short strip into a circle and secure it with a glue dot.

Layer the 3 longest pieces on top of each other, spacing them evenly and securing each with a glue dot. Add the next two groups of pieces, doing the same. And finally, stick the loop into the center.

Use other papers, like a map of your city. Here's Chicagoland. Anybody see your street?

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