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Welcome To my blog!

Hello! this is my blog, Rainforest Fun. I am Samreen, editor of this blog. In this website, all we talk about is nature and how we can protect it. I will post something every 1-3 days.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

As I said, a gathered a hasty tasty collection of last minute Christmas galore. 

Well, that was lots of Christmassy delight, wasn't it? Well, if you forgot to prepare anything, don't waste another minute and do one of these things! Hurry~

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I AM BACK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi friends,
it feels good to be back! All the examinations are finished, holiday started, and I'm back to blogging! And woah, Razz berry, you sure answered lots of questions. Thanks for taking over for the time, a very special thank you from me. And by the way, I will sure post some goodies on Christmas, just see! (Although they won't be eco friendly, some of them, I'll try my best, though. You can't get enough eco friendly stuff on Christmas, you know) In other news, thanks to these people who emailed me regarding how much they recycle:

Sara Caesar
Tyler Smith
Kai Martin

They told me how much they enjoy doing for the environment, and sent goodbyes. Oh, others who don't know my addy, here:




Tuesday, December 14, 2010


OK, sorry for not posting for a while.

Here's my doings lately:

  • Exam has started, busy with studies (Algebra, anyone?)
  • So cold, I can hardly move from the quilt!
  • Helping my Mom with the household chores she's very busy lately.
So don't you think that's a lot to juggle? I'm taking a short break, which might last for two weeks, but don't worry, it will be over sooner than you think! For the time being, all comments will be checked by Razz berry, my new assistant! Oh, one more thing. This is open session, which means you can ask queries in the comments. (I mean that it works faster then the Ask Samreen page) All of them, I repeat, all of them will be replied by Razz berry.

   Until two weeks,



Saturday, November 27, 2010


My exam is tomorrow?! Holy cow! OMG! Just kidding. I'm pretty cool headed and confident since I studied a lot, and also got workout. Here's a pretty pic I made on exams!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hey, this is R.F Kid. Tarmac, our latest winner wrote this:

Tarmac said...
George is a 10 year old boy who has gone to have a picnic with his Mom, Dad, dog Harry and little sister Emily. They had their food and they put the in the dustbin. Every Harry helped by eating up the crumbs around the place. Harry did NOT poo. Emily watered the plants from the water in her flask. When George almost stepped on an ant, Mom cried, "DON'T!" and George didn't. A deer came and Dad petted it and gave it a leftover cookie. The family was very happy.
November 15, 2010 8:15 PM

And  I heart nature did very good too.
AnonymousI heart nature said...
Lisa is a 12 year old girl who is going to have a picnic with her family.she did not bring along her dog because she knew he would poo. They did not throw rubbish along the place. They fed the animals that came to them.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The topic for today's community

Okay, the topic is, this time, for a zing, I decided to write a brainstorm.

George is a 10 year old boy who has gone to have a picnic with his mom, dad, dog Harry and little sister Emily. They had their juice and sandwiches and apples. Now they are throwing the cans, plastic, foil and apple cores away in the field although their is a dustbin nearby. Harry pooed in the hollow of a tree. Emily picked flowers from the bushes.George stepped on the little bugs and creatures. Mum and Dad saw what was happening but didn't say anything. Dad suddenly stoned a deer that came by. Mum encouraged him and shouted, "Way to go! Look, there's another one! Stone her!" 

Do YOU think what they did is right? Do YOU think you can change it for the better? YOU have to rewrite this paragraph in a nicer, environment friendly way.

Winner:.... Anonymous?

said...      I reuse. I take shopping bags with me and I refuse paper bags. Me ad my buddies, Lucy and Kai, opened a campaign for saving the environment.

Heya Anonymous,

I think your view is very good, but really, you should have mentioned your name. And it applies for everyone. If you want to write something that regards me posting, please INCLUDE YOUR NAME.

any ways, I chose another person since he is anonymous.......

Maria said............

I think I reduce. I never forget to turn off lights and taps.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Woah, you guys should enter a debate. Awesome! Anyways, look who won:

Linzy said...Hi, I'm Linzy from Canada and I'm answering this Q.

Positive point:

People are getting what they need to survive such as, clothes, homes, houses, and other minerals. But personally, I think its' becoming to excessive. We don't need SO many houses. And rings of gold and precious gems are useless. They don't help us. Moreover, people became greedy over the last few centuries.

Negative point: Although it's helping us a lot, no one cares to think about what is the fate of the planet. But, let people do as they want. The plants and trees will come back to haunt the human race. Like the trees grow, the water will become dirty so no drinking water is available and so on.

(*Takes bow*)

Next topic:

Out of these, which do you do the most?


Thursday, October 21, 2010

The RF community: Take from people, give to nature.

It's been so inspiring to listen (I mean read) to all of your comments about how the passionate you are about the environment. So, I've started a community. I'll give a question, regarding Nature, and you guys can answer in the comments on that specific post. It might be a knowledge question, or a creative question.

First question:

Verify the positive AND the negative points of deforestation.

Every week, I will select a best answer.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sorry guys, for the LONG, and I mean REALLLLLLY LONG vacation!

Hi nature lovers,
I'm so sorry, for not posting lately. You see, my internet has been long gone for about a month. I'm finally back on track. I just managed to make the time to make a notice post. I'll write a proper post later.Hope you could understand! : )


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Strange Fungi?

Hello friends!

There's been some wierd mushrooms and fungi growing on the back of our washroom door. I couldn't get a clear picture, but I managed to draw something a bit like it:

Okay, so I'm not the greatest Paint artist in the world, but isn't it enough to make you understand?
I want some info.
My grandma says its called the Banger Chhata (Frog's Umbrella in translation) in Bengali. Any more information, I'm hungry for knowledge.

Help will be much appreciated.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sick days

Hi *cough* everyone.
'Been down with fever lately for 4 days. But on happier note going to meet the Prime Minister of my country tomorrow. Please watch me on TV, Bangladeshi channels like ATM, BTV, ETV, Channel 1 and stuff like that. I'm REALLY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Freebie of the week: Recycled Bags from envelopes

Hi guys.
For today's freebie How about orange presented us with these lovely bags from envelopes.

All you need is a good sized envelope, some scissors and some pretty colored or designed tape!

 Think I'll publish next after a few days....

Friday, August 20, 2010

Answer of previous Q and freebie


And here is the freebie of the week:

Pane Amore creative presented us with a recycled tin pencil holder. I like! The site is in Italic so go to google translater or if you prefer a shortcut just go ahead and download the Pdf.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hi people!
I guess you haven't yet got the answer to the post a submitted a few weeks ago? Well, if you forgot about it, click here to give it a try.

The answer is..................



1st Clue: happy rabbit is the nickname of Bugs.

2nd Clue: I scrambled the name BUGS BUNNY

3rd Clue: Fill in the blanks of BUGS BUNNY

4th Clue: I scrambled the saying: What's Up Doc? which is Bugs Bunny's Motto.

And now, for your next puzzle, I will give clues, you have to find out who this is:

He gave up war.
He is a he, not a she.
He became a buddhist, after seeing the sorrow he caused.
He came from India.
A film was made in his honour.
His sign is a lion.

Can you guess?

Answer tomorrow.
Oh yeah, and if you want to answer, leave comment.

Freebie of the week: Recycle Labels

Hi there guys!
R.f Kid here. Well, your lucky, coz' I'm giving the Freebie today!
It's starts from today.

Well, Lynn from Jinjerup presented us with these lovely Recycling Labels. She made them as a part of her Earth Day special.

Click here to get them now, and prettify your recycle bins!

And Lynn has other freebies, along with more scrapbooking stuff which don't cost much at all. (believe me)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Freebie of the week and hiatus

Hi Nature Lovers!
From next week, I shall be starting a new segment called "Freebie of the week". In this segment every week I'll link you to the best eco friendly printables and tutorials.
The Freebies segment will start from Sunday!!!

Let's hear it for Freebies!

Hip, Hip,


Okay, that didn't work out. But I'm sure you guys are cheering in your seats!

R.F Kid

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Recycled Waste Bin

Hell-ooo everyone!
Remember how I told you about the waste bin???
Here it is,

Click here for the recycled waste bin

And this website has other highlights to, if you liked this one. The Alphabet origami, hamster, and many, many, others.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

uh, sorry!

Hello Nature-lovers,
My apologies for the lack of posts in quite a bit.
Oh, the work!!! I've been very busy with Ramadhan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims. This time, I hope to keep fasting the whole month, because our school is closed. An extra long vacation! But fear not, because I'm back on track to keep posting!
And later today I shall post a tutorial on how to make an recycled origami bin!
(It does count as eco friendly coz' it's........NOPE! surprise ya!)

Samreen/R.F Kid

Friday, August 6, 2010


As you might know, plankton is the first item in the food chain, if you want to know more, here is a Wikipedia extract:

"Plankton are any drifting organisms (animals, plants, archaea, or bacteria) that inhabit the pelagic zone of oceans, seas, or bodies of fresh water. Plankton are defined by their ecological niche rather than phylogenetic or taxonomic classification. They provide a crucial source of food to larger, more familiar aquatic organisms such as fish and cetacea."

Simpler form by me:

Plankton are any small drifting stuff that live in the deeper parts of the oceans, seas and lakes. They provide food for more other bigger fishes and the whales.

Plankton is getting extinct! (I read it in the papers, SCIENCE LIFE)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Recipes cancelled

Sorry ppl. Recipes just wasn't working out, so I deleted it.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Free wallpapers! I created for you guys!

yes. free wallpaper for you! I created it. Feel free to use, advertise, etc.

Fun tip: Print it as a poster!

Contest a big success!

Hi guys,
And today I'm really glad about the contest. So many entries! Many thanks. the reason I posted is because today and yesterday I recieved more 2 captions by:

Arjun Khan
age 15
Country: Nepal


Manny Lopesto
age 7
Saudi Arabia

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hi the names

remember how I told you about 20 people + the 3 winners, here  are the names of the people who entered. You guys may not win, but I can sense there is a talent in all of you!

Igor Bruce, Emily Parkington, Samantha Edwards, Lizzy Cell, Andrew Baker, Xan, Patricia Al, Jenny ,Honey, Lisa Baker, Abhas Nel, Sonia Akhter, Jeremy, Chelsea Krista, Karan Kumar, Delca Wills, William, Benny, Tilly Beaner and Connie Tuesday.

Thanks you all!

Late night

Hi guys!
Samreen here. I'm staying up late with parents, it's almost 11 at night, I hoping to stay up to 12. Fingers crossed!!! Anyways, remember the caption contest! sorry for the delay. So here are the winners!

3rd: Tessa Mckenzie
Age: 12

Serial 123

Cat: Why are you on me?
Mouse: I don't know.



Meghna Palak
age: 8

serial 789
Earth: Help! I'm melting!
Man: This is good!

Well done!!



age not there
country: Russia
Serial: 123
Cat: I will eat you up
Mouse: (from cat's stomach) Don't I get to talk in the caption???


I got over 20 entries, which I'll sur[prise you!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Recycled Giftbows

Hey, hey heyyyyyy R.F Kid here! And boy, I found this totally cool tutorial at ! Jessica is very passionate about the environment like me, she loves to recycle stuff! Othere highlights at her blog includes: Fabric Panel Wall Art and Recycled magazine Coasters. Please do visit her blog! I placed the "Giftbow" tutorial, so you don't have to search or something.! Thanks Jessica!

In gift wrap emergencies when you've got the present but need some wrapping, here's an idea for turning a magazine page into a bow. (There may be better ways to stick this thing together, but I used what I had on hand: staples and adhesive glue dots. Double stick tape should work, too.)

Cut a magazine page lengthwise into 9 strips, 3/4" wide. Leave 3 of the strips full length. Cut one inch off 3 of the strips. Cut two inches off 2 of the strips. Cut the last strip down to 3 1/2" long.

Twist each strip to form a loop at both ends and staple it in the center. Shape the last, short strip into a circle and secure it with a glue dot.

Layer the 3 longest pieces on top of each other, spacing them evenly and securing each with a glue dot. Add the next two groups of pieces, doing the same. And finally, stick the loop into the center.

Use other papers, like a map of your city. Here's Chicagoland. Anybody see your street?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hellow everybody,
Samreen here and I hope you read the title. So, on forth is the notice.

Please don't search google or any other search site for my blog.
I bet some of you have noticed I changed the address, so I reccomend
that you don't.
And please don't type in the former address. ( You might have searched and found the title "SAVE OUR WORLD!" but that's not it. my title is  Rainforest Fun:: Your source of all things nature. You will be led to a page which says the blog dosen't exist. so type in your typing bar


Samreen/ R. F Kid

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rat, bat, cat: We've got em' all!

Strange things happen in our household. Especially animals. Here are a few stuff which came in our home in the past few years upto yesterday:

  • A rat
  • A monkey
  • An eagle
  • A crow
  • A moth-like creature
  • A bat
  • The baby of a bat
  • A sparrow
  • A lizard
  • A cockroach (A lot of cockroaches, actually)
See that, anything can happen. Only yesterday a rat came. Oh, I do feel sorry for the guy. My parents attempted to kill the rat. I was so sad. Thankfully, it escaped. So we didn't have to kill it!

P.S first time a rat came in our home

P.S.S Lizards are very common in households where I live

R.F kid
  • So, se

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pictures and Update

Hiya guys.
Okay, to start with, a really important update. The prizes have been changed, and you DON'T have to give your email. The prizes will be:

1st, 2nd, 3rd: Their names on the blog, along with a surprise! :D

Here are the captions:

Serial: 123

Serial     456:                                                                                                                                               

 Serial: 789:

(By the way, the first two pics are from other websites, but the last one was created by me on Paint!)

Caption contestssssssssssss!

Samreen here. well, it's totally about time since I had a contest. I had my last one when I opened this blog. WHEW! Anyway, thanks for waiting, for the contest is finally here: A CAPTION CONTEST!!!

Here are the rules:

  • I have put three pics for captions. choose your one. (pics are sooo not mine)
  • In today's post, comment. please put the serial no. of the caption and your name, email and country. Then type your caption! for example:
serial no: 123
name: Isabella
country: Jamaica

  • send it. I will not publish until the last date, which is July the 30th 2010.
  • there will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Here are prizes:
1st: A totally fabulous printable!
2nd: A poem written by me, featuring the winner.
3rd: A card sent from Rainforest Fun.

I'll give pics tomorrow.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Hi guys!

Just wondering, do you like school, yes, or no???

I think School is Cool!

R.F Kid

Did you notice??

Yep. It's finally here.
Incase you haven't noticed, the Recipes and Ask Samreen page!
Update: To get your Q published, just follow the 4 easy steps!

1. On the right hand side of this blog, you will see a tiny link called "Ask Samreen" click on it.

2. You will be taken to another page. Again, there is a comments page. Click it.

3. A popup window will appear in the screen. Just scroll to the bottom, pass the easy letter test (copy what is written) Then, scroll to the bottom and comment.

4. Click send. Your'e done!

FAQ and helpful hints

a) Remember to include these basic info:

Your name
Your country
Your age (optional)
Your website (If you like or have one)

b) I will NEVER publish your questions in the comments. It's a surprise! :D

c) If you feel uncomfortable in revealing your true identity, just sign as anonymous or make up a name, like Born2beaprincess135 or Mayor_of_Mustard.

d) I will not answer questions about my personal life.

e) I will mainly answer ALL your Qs, but mostly about these subjects:

Beauty Problems

f) And there are a few rules:

1. Don't say wierd or useless Qs.
2. Don't use too many ?????????????? or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just about 3 are fine)
3. Have fun!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

iifa (SRI LANKA) to the rescue

Iifa has been helping out a lot. Sri Lankan stars are very eco friendly nowadays. Katrina Kaif said she turns off the light. etc...etc...etc.... with most of the other stars. Oh yes, another highlight. Salman Khan is working with a few guys to create homes for the poor. Sorry, I couldn't remember the name! And I have been doing a little research on a verry famous cartoon character. See if you can figure him out! (And those who can't solve the first, I placed the same name in another 2 forms! I didn't give any clues! ;D

1. Happy Rabbit


3. _U_ _ B_ _ N _

4. What's Pu Cdo?

Friday, July 2, 2010


As you can see, I placed my new theme on the FIFA cup. But Shock Horror! Believe this??? Okay I'll tell you what happened....Brazil LOST to Netherlands! Such a famous team, winning the Cup 5 times in a row, losing to Netherlands???

Have been BZ lately. Planning my get together with my BFFS. Oh, all the work! Hey, have you heard of Pebble?? In Westin??? Probably did, discuss later.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hey guys.
Tomorrow is my exam, I am totally nervous. But cut me a break, I want to munch on some sweets, plus this annoying virus reminder thingy is popping up. Oi cannot even see what I'm typing. And if I have any spelling mistakes, its because of te pesky virus attack.


Copyright 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hi! This is part of my Summer Bloggin' collection. thanks to neopets, I can do this everyday! Neat, huh? So just a cute message.

Copyright 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Vacation is here!

Hallo there!
It's summer holidays! And listen, (sorry, read, LOLS) we will be having plenty of cuteness here in RainForestFun. Plus, World Cup is starting! Whoot! Okay, so to get started with, here are some milestones RainforestFun will be producing in the SHs.

1. New look, more cuter and eco-friendly
2. Update everyday, since I will be home longer.
3. New Batch of recipes, freshly from the oven!
4. More sweet surprises! (literally)

So look forward, everyone, not the past!

Okay, sorry if my posts are too short, but here are things to make it longer.

Which mickey mouse character are you?

Q.If somebody says, "Hi there!" what will be your reply?

a) Ooh, Hello!
b) why, Howdy there!
c) Hiya!

Q. Your aunt asks you out to dinner, but you have other plans. You:
a) Decide to go. She is your aunt.
b) "Sorry, Dig'gidy' banger, but I'm busy today!
c) It depends, I might go or I might not.

Q. Favorite color?
a) Pink. It sybolises harmony and peace, and girlish color!
b) Yellow. It brings happiness to everyone, like sunshine in hearts.
c) Purple. Snazzy color. Ooh! great for my dancing outfit!

Q. What do you do for your friends in your spare time?
a) I pick flowers and berries for them!
b) I give them chickens, cow's milk, and eggs, freshly from my farm!
c) I dance and sing to entertain them!

Mostly A: You are sweet, sensitive, Minnie Mouse. She is very sensitive, she will become sad very easily. But she kind and caring, and she will do anything for her friends. Don't you??? She loves flowers, and she picks boquets from Mickey Park for her friends! You are the most popular girl.

Mostly B: You are Clarabell cow. You tend to be a bit outgoing, and sometimes say what's in your mind. But you are really helpful, and you love to show the way to your pals. You are the least popular.

Mostly C: You are Daisy Duck. You are a little aggresive. But have great stage abilites. Someday, you might be a singer, actor or dancer! Your popularity is average.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Good To Be Back!

Hello Guys!
It's good to be back!
Samreen here, and first of all, I'd like to hug you all. *Hugs ppl viewing this website* So anyway, I bet many of you watch Cartoon Network (CN) I prepared a list of the latest cartoons

1) Blue Dragon: The Trial of 7 Shadows (Will start monday)
2) Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
3) Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

So, next, if I could make my own cartoons, I would make:

Candy Bug

It's about a little girl named Julie who likes candy, but her parents won't let her have the tiniest bit of fudge. But Liko, a tiny bug made out of candy, can give her all the chocolates she needs!

Bakumon and Winx Dragon
You probably guessed it. It's a varition of Bakugan, Pokemon, Blue Dragon, and winx club!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hiya! but really, goodbye..

Hello there!
Today is our last day here. You are probably wondering why Samreen didn't come yet. She will come at midnight, for her flight delay, (She went in Japan, Kioto) So we came up with a song,

Life's a roller coaster,
you can't hold back
you have stay in the groove,
try to compliment every move!

You think you're carefree,
but it's totally wrong
Even in the simplest life it has to go wrong.

Uncles in paris,
Aunts in Unite States,
you may miss them a lot
But you cant help it.

So don't be sad
'Cause everythings lost,
But the truth is,
They WILL come back!

You can tune it any way you like. Donna has a beautiful voice. *Hugs big sister*

Aww... That's so sweet, Ricky!

Good Bye

Friday, May 28, 2010



sorry for last time. I guess Donna didn't wake me up last night? *glares at Donna* Oh, c'mon Rick. I didn't want to disturb you. Whatever. So today, we can't type much because our cousin Luis Spangle is coming today. He is SUCH a bother. Yep. That's one thing me and Ricky agree on. He wrecked my toy planes. He destroyed my science project, I had to make another one. And all Mum says is: "Oh, come on you two. He came to visit, don't be so rude. Besides, that was just a mere toy plane and I'm sure you can make another science project!" He is not naughty, Luis is EVIL. But anyways,
Coz Luis is ringing the bell continuosly.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fave cartoons

Hello! It's half past eleven. Mom and Dad went to Aunt Verde's house. Verde is spanish for green. So our babysitter is downstairs reading TeenPreen magazine. Ricky has fallen asleep. So I would be typing today, (oops, tonight)

So my fave cartoon is Magical DoReMi There are three best friends called Doremi, the main character, and Hazuki and Iyko, the sidekicks. Doremi is a clumsy girl, who hates to study. Her uniform is pink and her little pixie friend is called DoDo. the whole plot is base on DoReMi.
Next is Hazuki. She on the other hand, is a bookworm and loves to study. That's why she wears huge glasses. Her family is a millionare. But she dosen't like the posh stuff and all. Her uniform is orange and her pixie's name is ReRe. Lastly, Iyko. (pronouce Eye-e-kow) She is too dosen't like school, but is not as clumsy s Doremi. More sporty. She dose't have a mother but lives with her father. So once discovered it but she didn't bother.

Look at the time!
Its almost twelve! I have to sleep now otherwise mom will kill me~


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hi There!~ Hello...

I'm Ricky. And I am Donna. Nice to meet you all!
Actually, you might think that I'm Donna and she's me, so we arranged this little colour code-

Normal- Ricky is typing
Italic- Donna is typing
Bold- Both of them are typing

So, I guess earlier this day, our cousin informed you she was going away? Yes. So actually, we have to say hi and introduce ourseleves, eh?

So, back to introductions. I'm Ricky. I am 10 years old. I like to read and play football.
I am Donna. I am 14 years old. I also like to read and my other hobby is painting.

So we guess we will write for you guys later, yeah?
And feel free to ask us anything you want, via comment
Ricky!! You know we can't always post answers!
What did you do?!
I already pressed the publish button
No don'

Beckoning a new dawn

Hello Everyone!
Samreen here. You read in the title, (And, sorry for the cheesy title. coudn't think of anything else) But sorry, I'm going to be away for the week. I will return on next Tuesday. So, My mum is calling me to pack up. But don't think you will not be updated. You will by Two of my British Cousins, Donna and Ricky Smith (They are from abroad, you know)

So farewell,

P.S They guys are so excited they will post something very soon)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

News! For you!!

Hey nature lovers!
R.F Kid here. Now, I'm declaring that now Rainforest Fun officially accepts FanArt! If interested, please send your work to or, to give privately, contact me on Hotmail via chat messages. And, you can paint the picture and send a photograph or scan it, OR you could send me a picture using paint. Koolio! Then, if anyone lives in Virigina, please donate some trees.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friend's Bday Bash! Hooray, Hoorah!

Kudos, everyone!

Samreen is back with important news. (Important to me, anways) I am goig to my friend, Ajwad's birthday party. Tonight! Actually, to say the truth, I am more friendly with boys rather then girls. He has a PS2. And my other friend, Safwan, is gonna bring his Nintendo DS. I have a few tricks too.

And by the way, here is a poem I luv by Emily Dickinson. :)

The morns are meeker then they were,
The nuts are getting brown,
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose s out of town.

The maple wears a gayer scarf
The field a scarlet gown,
Lest I should be old fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on!

By Emily Dickinson

Hugs and all,

Samreen Mehak

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Of tiredness and excitement

I'm back. My keyboard's all fixed. And, if your'e generous enough to ask me if I'm well, I am really not. I am selected for the Pohela Boishak program, so after school rehearsal. So tiring. Then, again, sorry for the delay for V.E.G.G.I.E of the week. I will publish tomorrow.

~R.F Kid (Samreen)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Happy Earth Day!
Gee, lets celebrate!
here are some tips:

1. Plant trees. What harm does it do? pleas
2. Save water
3. Don't make the world a giant dustbin by throwing stuff on the roads.
4. Use both sides of paper.
5. Follow these tips, and if you find any more, please follow.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm back after days of keyboard problems. (still it's here) Now I am typing wit On-Screen keyboard.(I'ts harder to type with this) So for today's V.E.G.G.IE of the week, my fingers aching, so I am just gonna paste a Wikipedia article tomorrow.

[pictures, website banner, and veggie of the week idea isn't mine]

Special thanks to:

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hello! R.F Kid here! (Samreen)
Do I have some saweet freebies for you! Just tune in!
Earth friendlynesses coming up soon.
And nothing more to say.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I am a star! (or a famous person)

I won a art competition, 1st prize, but it turned to something big~The TIMEOUT magazine published my name! just pay attention to the red words. :)

Painting competition award ceremony held Cultural Correspondent The prize-giving ceremony of a children painting competition organised by Etcetera Bangladesh Private Limited was held at the Coffee World and Pizza Corner outlets in Dhanmondi on Friday. An immigrant student in Australia Sehnil Nawar and English medium Scholastica’s class one students Oshmita Tanisha and Aditya Shaha won the first, second and the third prizes respectively in the ‘Kids’ category of the competition while a class two student Samreen Mehak and class four students Rifah Tasnim Arony and Mashrifur Rahman of the same school won the first, second and the third prizes respectively in the ‘Youth’ category. Pizza Corner and Coffee World, concerns of Etcetera Bangladesh Private Limited, took the initiative of holding the competition at its Dhanmondi outlet on February 21, to commemorate the International Mother Language Day. The competition was supplemented by a workshop on February 19, conducted by noted artist and Dhaka University professor Syed Abul Barq Alvi. The competition was divided into two groups-- ‘Kids’ for children between 5 and 8 years and ‘Youth’ for adolescents between 9 and 12 years. Nearly 80 students from a total of ten schools took part in the workshop and the competition. Artist Syed Abul Barq Alvi, Ascent Group deputy managing director Madiha Murshed, executive director Zubair Ahmed, and media relation deputy manager Syed Ghulam Moinuddin were, among others, present on the occasion.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello April!!!

Hello! Are't you all in a festive mood?
Because April has lotsa holidays. Maybe some are not celebrated by certain religions, but still, here we go.......

1st April-April fools

4th April- Easter Sunday

14th April- Pahela Boishak

22nd April- Earth Day

April Fools is a day mainly celebrated by all religions except Islam. People play pranks and jokes on each other, and when the fall for it, the person who played the trick yells "April Fools!"

Easter Sunday is a holiday celebrated by Christians. They believe that on this day, Jesus rose from death. Christians celebrate by hiding chocolate eggs all over the neighborhood, and young children believe the eggs were sent by the "Easter Bunny"

Pahela Boishak is a Bangladeshi holiday. It is the first day of the Bengali year, melas, which mean fair, are held all over the country and the fair sells Cotton candy, toys, Matir Hari Patil meaning "Clay Toy Crockeries", Vegetables and fruits, peanuts. There are also magic shows, Banorer Khela and Shaaper Khela Which means Monkey and Snake dance.

Earth Day is my favorite. It shows awareness of Recycling Reducing and Reusing. People all over the world appreciate this day. We will also be celebrating this day, I will give you..... Uh uh uh! I can't say!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Please don't be mad and stop seeing this blog...

Oh, alright. Let me admit. I have been quite a person, haven't I? anyways, to make it up to you, I will give all of you a real treat: A new page!! that FANP! (and those of you who haven't heard its short for Funny and astonishing Nature pics) so, I will prepare it by tomorrow. and see another surprise, rather scary.........

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Running outta water; so thirsty!

Oh man! there is no water supply in our WHOLE country. Yes, our so-tiny-that-you-cannot-see-the-world Country has very less water supply. At least I am a city folk. Country ppl are having more trouble. An organization called WASA supplies us.......... Blah, Blah Blah. Any ways, Time for another compettion! this will be called.......... Animal-er!!! YAY!

I will be posting soon. You have to make your own animal! describe it in the comments on the next post, and I will make it come true!! YAY!!

There's a 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place. There is also a Golden Paw Award (GPA) for the most funny and inventive animal.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Sorry guys!

Hey everyone!
Welll actually, I was really buzy so I could not publish right. Busy with preparations. (Some of you know what!) Well, here are the answers for my animal4ever competition.

1. Aye-Aye
2. Polar bear
3. Oriental fire-bellied toad

And the winner is:


she got 2/3 correct. An, another news, todays my Bday! Happy Bday 2 me!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Ok, so I was searching google, you know just browsing, when I saw this blog: It is cuute!! And one highlight? difficult. But if I HAD to choose, I'd say the Summer Fruit
Punch bookmarks. take a look!!

And there are lotsa other things, like walpapers, maneki nekos, note cards. And the best thing is, they are free!! (and printable)

But there are some things to buy, too. Like digital scrabooks, patterns, stationary, etc.
Thanks, Lynn!!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ho... Humm..Not very satisfied....

Ok so I just wanna say that no ones entering this contest so I just extended the time. you guys have 2 more days in ya hand.
And by the way, I gave you more than 3 days........... Thumbs Down


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Here goes!

Hello, this is your contest. just guess what these animals are and have your name published. I gave you some clues! Give your answers using the comment and in case you haven't noticed the 'comment' button is on the bottom right part of this post. your time is 3 days.

1. I am almost extinct

2. My name sounds like someone ones calling ai ! oi !

1. I live in the polar regions

2. The first clue almost says my name.

1. I use my firey belly to surprise enemies

2. I am slimy, and fall in the amphibian category.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fizzy Cell phone

Check it out! chat-saavy people will love my latest news!

A cell phone that runs on Coke!
I hope you guys can buy it.
And those who bought it, a very hearty congrats from me.
Thanks, nature lovers!

What you can do to help the planet

1. The most common one- The RRRs. (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

2. While brushing your teeth, turn off the tap. It saves a lot of water!

3. Turn of the lights, A/C, Computer or anything else that runs on electricity when you don't use it.

4.Don't buy so many products made out of animal skins.

So thats' all, for now. but I WILL add more rules very soon. Stay tuned!!
